Saturday 16th April 2016

Tick identification - ESCCAP

UK & Ireland have received a number of queries regarding where to send ticks for identification. They may be sent to Prof. Cutler who is investigating vector borne pathogens in the UK at.

Sally J. Cutler
Professor of Medical Microbiology,
School of Health, Sport & Bioscience,
University of East London,
Water Lane,
E15 4LZ

or Public health England who are gathering information on the distribution of tick borne disease at.

Tick surveillance scheme
Public Health England 
Porton Down

When sending ticks, they should be placed in a secure clear plastic container before posting. Please visit the Gov.Uk website for further information under "tick surveillance"

It is vitally important in relation to monitoring tick borne disease risk, that we continue to record the location of exotic ticks around the country.

ESCCAP UK & Ireland News Item