Angiostrongylus vasorum poster
As part of the The Sixth European Dirofilaria and Angiostrongylus Days organised by ESDA, ESCCAP UK & Ireland displayed a poster designed by Laura Stokes, summarising variations in the the proportion of Angiostrongylus vasorum queries received through its website. These variations are both seasonal and in relation to other parasites.
Wednesday 11th July 2018
Peru project with Surrey Vet school
There is an opportunity at Surrey Vet school for early UK researchers to participate on a project in Peru on cystic echinococcosis.
This zoonosis is of tremendous public health significance both in Peru and in the UK. Anyone interested should visit the website at https://www.cecontrolperuworkshops.
Friday 6th July 2018
ESCCAP UK & Ireland 2018 Sponsors
ESCCAP UK & Ireland is delighted to welcome new sponsors and donors for 2018! We have enjoyed donor support from Merial in previous years so it is wonderful to welcome Boehringer as donors after Merial Animal health's acquisition and are looking forward to working with them going forward.
Wednesday 2nd May 2018
Dog Importation Considerations factsheet launched
A new download is now available to download from the ESCCAP UK & Ireland resources page. With a growing trend in the UK (and across Europe) of importing rescue dogs from abroad, the "Dog Importation Considerations" factsheet summarises the key things to consider when thinking about importing a foreign dog.
Wednesday 25th April 2018
Spring Parasite Forecast: Issue 5
The first Parasite Forecast of 2018 is now available to download. This edition outlines the changing parasite activity over the past three months and forecasts which parasites may present an increased risk in the subsequent three months. Also included:
An analysis of the topics which ESCCAP UK & Ireland has received enquiries about.
Wednesday 25th April 2018
Study demonstrating subtle changes in bioflora in Toxocara
Cambridge have published an ESCCAP UK & Ireland funded study demonstrating subtle changes in bioflora in Toxocara cati infected cats compared to those free of infection. Similar changes have been observed in humans and other animals infected with intestinal nematodes...
Wednesday 18th April 2018