Tick prevention products and babesiosis in UK dogs
There is a new article on tick prevention products and babesiosis in UK dogs. http://www.veterinaryprescriber.org/subscribers-content/which-tick-product. It is available for subscribers to Veterinary prescriber.
Tuesday 29th March 2016
Outbreak of Babesia canis centred around Harlow
The current outbreak of Babesia canis is centred around Harlow and there is sufficient evidence there to indicate that Babesia canis has formed an endemic focus of infection in this area. Dog owners in Essex, particularly in Harlow, as well as in adjoining counties need to be aware of the potential for Babesia transmission.
Thursday 17th March 2016
Interesting post on Lyme disease
Interesting post on Lyme disease demonstrating the versatility of Borrelia burgdorferi and persistence in its host https://www.linkedin.com/company/5336418/redirect?url=https%3A%2F%2Flnkd%2Ein%2FedcRCVF&urlhash=csHr...
Sunday 5th July 2015
A celebrity case of Lyme disease
A celebrity case of Lyme disease (https://www.linkedin.com/company/5336418/redirect?url=https%3A%2F%2Flnkd%2Ein%2Fey2TZtt&urlhash=pzNL&actionToken=isFolloweeOfPoster%3Dfalse%26aggregationType%3Dnone%26actorType%3Dlinkedin%3Acompany%26feedPosition%3D2%26pageKey%3Dbiz_company_feed_mapper_first_load%26contextId%3DqZKbkbcN7xPArSRSKisAAA%3D%3D%26verbType%3Dlinkedin%3Ashare%26isDigested%3Dfalse%26rowPosition%3D1%26objectType%3Dlinkedin%3Aarticle%26activityId%3Dactivity%3A6022349348606660608%26actorId%3Dcompany%3A5336418%26isPublic%3Dtrue%26model%3Dnull%26objectId%3Darticle%3A9000645321976564201%26distanceFromViewer%3D-1%26isSponsored%3Dfalse%26moduleKey%3Dcompany_feed) will certainly raise public awareness of Lyme disease across the British Isles. Vets and nurses should be prepared to field questions on the risk to clients and their dogs. Although this is a case from the US, the incidence of UK Lyme disease in the human population is rising year on year. Dogs are also being exposed to Borrelia burgdorferi infection so it's important clients are given the correct advise to keep themselves and their pets safe....
Friday 3rd July 2015