Tick borne diseases
Tick borne diseases continue to be in the news with concern that they may be spread by bank holiday travel. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/28/dog-owners-warned-about-taking-pets-on-bank-holiday-breaks-over/.
Friday 29th April 2016
Lyme Disease a Ticking Time Bomb
Hany Elsheikha has published an interesting article on Lyme disease https://theconversation.com/lyme-disease-a-ticking-time-bomb-57844 This disease continues to receive media attention so Vet practices are likely to receive queries from worried pet owners.
Thursday 28th April 2016
Tick identification - ESCCAP
UK & Ireland have received a number of queries regarding where to send ticks for identification. They may be sent to Prof. Cutler who is investigating vector borne pathogens in the UK at.
Sally J. Cutler
Professor of Medical Microbiology,
School of Health, Sport & Bioscience,
University of East London,
Water Lane,
Saturday 16th April 2016
Anti dog fouling campaigns
ESCCAP UK & Ireland is looking forward to working with Cork city council and Barking and Dagenham, in addition to Denbighshire and Guilford to help promote their anti dog fouling campaigns. In reducing dog fouling, we can help to reduce Toxocara environmental contamination, in combination with promoting regular deworming of dogs and cats.
Saturday 16th April 2016
Figures from the PDSA
Figures from the PDSA have hit the press over the past week, raising concerns about an apparent sharp rise in Lyme disease in dogs.
Tuesday 12th April 2016
Tick prevention products and babesiosis in UK dogs
There is a new article on tick prevention products and babesiosis in UK dogs. http://www.veterinaryprescriber.org/subscribers-content/which-tick-product. It is available for subscribers to Veterinary prescriber.
Tuesday 29th March 2016