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ESCCAP UK & Ireland is looking forward to working with Cork city council and Barking and Dagenham, in addition to Denbighshire and Guilford to help promote their anti dog fouling campaigns. In reducing dog fouling, we can help to reduce Toxocara environmental contamination, in combination with promoting regular deworming of dogs and cats. Simple precautions such as good hand hygiene and covering of sandpits when not in use also greatly reduce Toxocara transmission risk to people.
ESCCAP UK & Ireland have contacted 28 councils in England and Wales, offering our services to help with their campaigns encouraging people to pick up their dog's faeces and dispose of it in a responsible way. Although the fight against toxocarosis is multi-faceted with good hygiene, deworming, covering of sandpits etc. all having important roles, picking up dog faeces is a vital part of disease control. By working together we hope to put out a message that is not disproportionately frightening, but rather impresses the need to control the disease while demonstrating that it can be avoided.
Check out this link ( from Denbighshire County Council, alerting the public to the battle against dog fouling and toxocarosis. This type of responsible and accurate dissemination of information to the public is vital if there is to be a significant impact on dog fouling and disease transmission. Councils, Vets and parasitologists all have an important part to play in getting the message across. We’re looking forward to working with Denbighshire Country Council for the campaign.
ESCCAP UK & Ireland have also been contacted by Guildford Borough Council to assist with their dog fouling prevention campaign. More information to follow!
ESCCAP UK & Ireland is supporting BARC (Bag And Remove in Cymru) project which is supervised by Professor Jo Cable at Cardiff University. BARC is a citizen science project that is trying to determine the prevalence of common soil parasites, focusing on Toxocara in particular. This work is vitally important to establish the level of contamination in UK soil, while promoting good practice in picking up and disposal of dog faeces by owners. For more information visit the BARC website and get involved!