Student Summer Research Awards
In September over 130 students, including 16 from the School of Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin, presented their summer research posters as part of the Student Summer Research Awards. Included in this was a poster presentation by Cormac Power<...
Tuesday 3rd October 2017
Highlighting the problem of dog fouling
ESCCAP UK & Ireland is supporting Bristol University in its poo patrol big spray day to highlight the problem of dog fouling. While many approaches have been tried to reduce dog fouling, the solution is likely to reside in increased social cohesion and publicity to make dog fouling socially unacceptable...
Monday 22nd May 2017
Toxocara cati infection in UK owned but untreated cats
A recent paper published by JSAP on line early view showed 26% prevalence of patent Toxocara cati infection in UK owned but untreated cats. This adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that cats are major contributors to Toxocara ova environmental contamination...
Wednesday 1st June 2016
Anti dog fouling campaigns
ESCCAP UK & Ireland is looking forward to working with Cork city council and Barking and Dagenham, in addition to Denbighshire and Guilford to help promote their anti dog fouling campaigns. In reducing dog fouling, we can help to reduce Toxocara environmental contamination, in combination with promoting regular deworming of dogs and cats.
Saturday 16th April 2016