Tick borne disease advice consensus statement

Wednesday 17th August 2016
ESCCAP UK & Ireland News Item

ESCCAP UK & Ireland tick and tick borne disease advice consensus statement

ESCCAP UK & Ireland in cooperation with organisations and individuals from across the Veterinary industry have produced a consensus statement regarding tick and tick borne disease prevention. These clear simple guidelines for vets and members of the public are independently written by ESCCAP UK & Ireland with input from Veterinary professionals, parasitology specialists and industry to provide a first important step in giving consistent advice on this vital subject across the profession. » Click here

The consensus statement is currently supported by the following individuals and organisations and is an open and expanding list.

NOAH have added their support which is a significant step in a cross industry approach to tick control

Dogs Trust
NOAH (National Office of Animal Health)
Dr G Ravetz (BVA and Denplan)
Dr C Reay (Blue Cross)
Dr S Keyte (University of Bristol)
Dr A Threlfall (Davies Veterinary Specialists)
Dr S Tappin (Dick White Referrals)
Prof H Elsheikha (University of Nottingham)
Prof M Betson (University of Surrey)
Dr A Vawer (Downland Veterinary Group)
Dr A Radford (SAVSNet)
Dr J Tulloch (University of Liverpool)
Dr S Bignall
Dr K Murphy (Highcroft Veterinary Referrals)
Dr N Morris (Malthouse Vterinary Surgery)
Prof R Wall (University of Bristol)
Dr S Pearson (Lyme Disease Action)
Dr P Sands (Scarsdale Veterinary Group)
Dr Ian Hopkins (Willows Veterinary Group)
