Tick borne disease advice consensus statement

ESCCAP UK & Ireland News Item
ESCCAP UK & Ireland tick and tick borne disease advice consensus statement. ESCCAP UK & Ireland in cooperation with organisations and individuals from across the Veterinary industry have produced a consensus statement regarding tick and tick borne disease prevention.
Wednesday 17th August 2016

Paper published in the Vet Record

ESCCAP UK & Ireland News Item
A paper published in the Vet Record this week http://veterinaryrecord.bmj.com/content/early/2016/08/02/vr.103908.abstract?ct suggests that there was an increased risk of Babesia transmission in Essex up to and during the recorded outbreak this year.
Wednesday 3rd August 2016

ESCCAP Recommendations

ESCCAP UK & Ireland News Item
ESCCAP Recommendations. ESCCAP has launched a new recommendations document that can be used as a poster or leaflet in practice with general recommendations for parasite control in cats and dogs: http://www.esccap.org/link-document/71/.
Monday 1st August 2016

Anti-dog fouling campaigns and meat condemnation

ESCCAP UK & Ireland News Item
There are five parasites for which canines are definitive hosts and which are a significant source of economic impact for the cattle and sheep market in the British Isles. Dogs infected with these parasites shed infective stages which, when consumed by sheep and cattle, lead to cyst formation.
Monday 1st August 2016

Brexit or Bremain, ESCCAP UK & Ireland's position remains the same

ESCCAP UK & Ireland News Item
Despite the UK voting to leave the EU, ESCCAP UK & Ireland still passionately believes in the need for European wide cooperation to control the spread of parasitic disease. Rules associated with the pet passport scheme are only one of a wide number of measures required to reduce the risk of exotic diseases and vectors entering the...
Monday 1st August 2016

Vector-borne Diseases 2016

ESCCAP UK & Ireland News Item
http://www.esccapevents.org/. ESCCAP VBD 2016: 19-20 October 2016. The European Scientific Counsel for Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP) is to host a major European science conference in Granada, Spain from 19-20th October 2016 at the SEVC conference, Palacio de Congresos de Granada.
Monday 1st August 2016