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Also known as the Tortoise tick
Tortoises, hedgehog, horse, dog
Southern Europe
Hyalomma aegyptium are generally found in hot and dry areas, particularly in burrows of their most common host; tortoises
Tortoise: Protozoa
Adult female dorsal features
(Specimen courtesy of the Natural History Museum, London)
Adult female dorsal view. (Click on picture for a close up)
Adult female ventral features
(Specimen courtesy of the Natural History Museum, London).
Adult female ventral view. (Click on the picture for a close up)
Adult male dorsal features
Adult male dorsal view and adult male close up of gnathosoma. (Click on pictures for a close up)
Adult male ventral features
Adult male ventral view and adult male close up of coxae. (Click on pictures for a close up)
Adult male ventral view of gnathosoma. (Click on picture for a close up)