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Also known as the Vole tick, shrew tick
Small mammals: bank vole, shrew, mouse, rat, hedgehog, mole, rabbit, hare, fox, squirrel, horse (occasionally), human (occasionally)
UK, Ireland, France, Northern Spain, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Switzerland
Ixodes trianguliceps is generally found in the nests/burrows of its host in forest areas where the environment has a high humidity, however it has also been found at high altitudes of up to 2400m and treeless areas.
Rodents: Tick-borne encephalitis, Francisella tularensis
Other pathogens and diseases I. trianguliceps is associated with includes:
Babesia microti
Coxiella burneti
Borrelia burgdorferi
Louping-ill virus (Britain)
Adult female dorsal features
(Specimen courtesy of the Natural History Museum, London)
Adult female dorsal view (click on pictures for a close up)
Adult female ventral features
(Specimen courtesy of the Natural History Museum, London)
Adult female ventral view (click on pictures for a close up)
Adult male dorsal features
(Specimen courtesy of the Natural History Museum, London)
Adult male dorsal view (click on pictures for a close up)
Adult male ventral features
(Specimen courtesy of the Natural History Museum, London)
Adult male ventral view (click on pictures for a close up)